Published by Blue Fox Comics, this adventure follows famed legends, Arthur Conan Doyle, Harry Houdini, Bram Stoker, and ten-year old Agatha Christie who band together to solve the mystery of Spring-Heeled Jack–a phantom that terrorizes the streets of London. In doing so the a secret society devoted to the investigation of the occult, called The InSpectres, is revived. Created by David R. Flores (aka Sic Monkie) and Jarod Hunter Roe.
Both Volume One and Volume Two of this limited series is available here.
Dead Future King is the series that started it all for me. Published by Golden Apple Comics, it revolves around the return of King Arthur to heal the present day world of a dreaded plague. It was the first installment of a much longer series that I was developing; It's one I hope to once again revisit and complete in the future (no pun intended). There are is limited amount of the printed versions of this book, and because of that there are those that are selling it for a ridiculous price. Ignore those sites, and click here to get your copy while supplies last.
Big thanks to Creative Boom for featuring my work in the Inspiration section. Here I get a little into what inspires my illustrations. To view the article click here.
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